PC is a consultant who has spent years dedicated to providing legal advice to frontline companies both nationally and internationally.
PC is bottom on four pillars that are intellectual capital, guaranteed performance, implementation and performance of the business.
PC brings to every project know-how and extensive experience in implementing knowledge as to benefit the client. Our work, provided, it´s accomplished in conjunction with the energy companies, agribusiness and construction who choose us daily.
So, when a client hires PC never lose sight that makes it to generate a financial benefit, taking into consideration a spirit that is focused on the competitive results.
PC is guaranteed, in turn, continuity, get more business, prestige and performance assured.
Our service is the legal advice on specific matters of oil and gas, biofuels, hydrogen, agribusiness and construction.
PC possess the knowledge to implement them and so get together with our client's objectives. We are dedicated to meeting the needs and demands of our clients we are looking for alternatives that can improve and stay competitive in the market. And having a national footprint we adapt and adjust decisions as and according to Parameters and reality of our country.
We believe that the market for essential services in general and the energy in particular will continue to evolve towards a complete integration where the success of the various market players will be proportional to the integration of the services that provide.
We know what each of our customers need. Is constant the effort and the work, and the present tells us that we are on the right track and we are proud of the achievements.
The future is full of challenges and all our energies will be on achieving the goals we have set.
This industry is going through a changing environment, as well as politics and fluctuating economies, and we have the strategies for achieve the goals dodging any obstacles, vicissitude or contingency that may arise.
Our customers as energy companies focused on the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons develop yours operations in the certainty that it is possible to operate in highly complex areas using the best proven technologies and preserving the environment.
We have everything that is needed for a market eager for more.
Our know how is what allows us to find simple solutions for difficult problems.
Argentina has enormous natural resources, excellent humans resources and fundamentally extraordinary support or public support of investments, so that the world's energy companies do focus here looking great opportunities sustained over time.
Among so much, the energy companies looking to add value to yours assets through the development and the steady increase of yours oil and gas reserves, for which, we have the knowledge, by appropriate means and we have the strategy for your company growth reached in each case.
Managing the challenges that the region, together with the energy companies, we focus rigorously capitalize an expertise in particular, more precisely, especially in terms of evaluation, interpretation, modeling, exploration and production. The risk is posed as a challenge and formulate the right project for each context in coexistence with the environment.
We do a thorough analysis of the service sectors of production, processing and marketing industry.
Our intention is to work together with the client and satisfy the needs and expectations of all the actors in the matter, think beyond the possibilities, to operate always with a clear strategy, strive for use resource efficiency and environmental stewardship, preserve local culture in each transaction, be constant, and capitalize the opportunities.
Our leadership in this area can help your company to compete for the greatness and enter in the market to stay.
The role of hydrogen is a promise of industrial revolution known as the hydrogen economy.
The peculiarities of hydrogen which is summarized in the smallest and simplest element that exists, is the most abundant substance in the universe and is one of the important components of the molecule of life, the water. Is a recyclable fuel, renewable and clean and combined with the oxygen of air results in a significant amount of energy and water.
The hydrogen is an alternative to sources of non-renewable energy hydrocarbon. Required for their production, processing and storage of a significant amount of energy and material resources. It is an energy carrier and is a clean and renewable fuel provided their production process, raw materials and energy used come from sustainable sources.
In Argentina we have several technology development projects related to hydrogen. For example we have the pilot plant producing hydrogen from bioethanol. The ethanol is used as a feedstock for hydrogen production being the same one renewable raw material obtained from biomass.
What we clearly provides hydrogen is energy independence and clean air, hence its great potential, all that makes for a very significant and crucial component of the future energy platform.
The politics should include, increasingly, in their plans, to the hydrogen as a type of alternative energy.
The challenge in this area is to develop a material having a high storage capacity volumetric and gravimetric, good-release kinetics of hydrogen uptake and adequate thermodynamic, high tolerance to cyclized and low cost material.
This will increasingly rise as fossil fuels are depleted, which greatly increased awareness of the need for a clean environment, and as they promote favorable politics to promote renewables.
The world's hydrocarbon reserves depleted and will continue to increase our environmental awareness, so that inevitably arise as this the alternative energy of hydrogen.
PC on the subject has the know how to go through together with our customers the new energy challenges with confidence to achieve them successfully.
Paulini Consulting believes that the clean energy business continue to grow and that considerable opportunity lies in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects.This will help create new and lucrative opportunities in the fusions and acquisitions sector, as these productive assets begin to generate cash flow and become attractive targets for those seeking solid returns from clean energy assets.
The green energy are having a more than important for reasons more than substantiated.
Thus, the economic and population growth requires energy sources look both renewable and non-renewable to meet the high energy demand.
We talk about green production, sustainable agriculture local, and clean, renewable energy that has the benefit rigged environmental care as a result of reduced pollution.
Our country has become one of the major players in global biofuel production at basis of soy, sugar cane, corn, sorghum, jatropha.
Different crops are being tested in some cases exclusively dedicated to the production of biofuels such as jatropha, which offers significant advantages over its adaptation to marginal soils.
Another way to benefit from rapid growth has been the conversion of plant resources and animal waste through anaerobic processes in gas.
We must also make mention of ethanol in this matter, since, in our legal system imposes to the refiners mix gasoline with ethanol and diesel with biodiesel.
The ethanol is a liquid alcohol compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen resulting from the fermentation of sugar or starch, both extracted from biomass.
Our country as a leading producer in all kinds of biomass has a large and prominent development field. The fierce competition that has Argentina in the production of raw material, soybean, which is made with 99% of the national biodiesel, place the country in a position of advantage in the foreign markets.
PC has the knowledge and experience required in the field to meet the challenges and achieve success or goal set with due support in time, with whom he so decides.
PC works on the subject in that the unstable economic situation and the politics that are used tend to destabilize.
Then, PC assists in taking decisions as to which are correct, namely that they will benefit in results, either in terms of investment politics or resolutions in general and in particular.
So, the legal advice is basis in the preparation of development plans, techniques, and implementation.
In our vision not lose sight the incidence between the industry of the agriculture, and livestock, and the energy industry. (Conversion of plant resources and animal waste through anaerobic processes in gas)
PC in an effort to provide legal advisory service has as goal that your company achieve the objectives initially, also increased growth, expanding horizons, push the boundaries, taking advantage of the particularities of the region but with a global vision, always seeking excellence and greater profitability, facing any challenge.
PC believes that Argentina has great opportunities and to offer to who so decides. We have abundant natural resources, skilled human resources, sustainable economic growth, attractive corporate profitability, regional and global economic integration, modern infrastructure, a culture with a great force, an extraordinary quality of raw materials and of life, and public support investment, thus, have a highly competitive business platform.
Our legal advice on the matter is about the same as building affected by the political and economic swings are forced to make new resolutions to adapt to changes.
PC works in the exercise of commercial business turn to attain a sufficient capital strength to face each project and to reach the goals.
PC has the required know-how in the field to take on projects and to reach the success or purpose initially sought, sustenance in due time.
PC, in the field, tackles to efficient buildings, to take into consideration that everything needed for the lower power consumption of both the property and implemented electrical appliances.
It is a necessity to support the intelligent building because, the savings or the lower energy demand works with the particular economy and the environment considerably.
The buildings and particularly the offices are active most of the day and are one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. From the growing awareness of the issue are new buildings that incorporate in their plans the concepts of sustainability and energy efficiency.
We aimed to provide advice based on the promotion of efficient buildings and / or intelligent and, in turn, in the financing of such constructions.
We encourage the incorporation of the concept of sustainability both from the technological aspect of energy efficiency, and from the social aspect, through the care and welfare of those who daily attend the said buildings.
The large cities should aim at being sustainable cities, sustainable, competitive and advanced engineering makes it possible generating adequate energy efficiency solutions to adapt to this new era.
The energy efficiency is a business opportunity and, in turn, contributes to the rational use of this resource.
PC believes that the energy efficiency is a valuable opportunity for companies to be responsible for much of the solution to creating value for the business and for the society and favorable impact on the environment. All this requires a real legal framework which involves all about the intelligent building.